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Anchor 1

Experienced writer and fact-checker, with stellar editing skills. MA graduate 2020. I write and care about the intersections of pop culture, politics, sexuality and sexual justice. Available for freelance writing, editing, and fact-checking so hire me, friends.

Writing and Multimedia Work

Public Seminar, New York, NY

Fact-Checker, August 2019 - May, 2020

Diplomatically coordinated between editors, writers, and sources to assure all pieces were accurate and adhered to each writer's personal styling.

Created the magazine’s first fact check protocol. Rolled it out to a team of over 10 editors and 15 writers.


Back Matter, New York, NY

Editor in Chief, January 2020 - January 2021

Oversaw a team of 10 writers, editors, designers, and marketers

Edited and reviewed Back Matter’s content acting as final approval for all published content

Acted as primary editor for 85 percent of published stories, overseeing story production and editing until final release.


Lying in State: Why Presidents Life and Why Trump is Worse, by Erik Alterman

Fact-Checker, November 2019 - January 2020

Checked all quotations out of a roughly 400-page working manuscript, using government and historical archives.


BTRtoday, New York, NY

Writer, Assistant Editor, January 2016 - August 2018

Wrote three features per week; gender, sexuality, and pop culture-focused.

Interviewed expert sources and conducted in-depth story research.

Copyedited, wrangled freelancers, posted stories, and sourced/edited photos from reliable creative commons sites.


BUST Magazine, New York, NY

Editorial Intern/Blog Editor, September 2015 - January 2016

Wrote and published daily blog posts on trending pop culture and politics

Transcribed interviews, fact-checked, and proofread articles for the print magazine.

My story “10 Celebrities Who Have Had Abortions And Don’t Regret It” was BUST’s top ten for 2015.




Copyediting, AP Style





Multimedia sourcing: images, illustrations, graphics

Critical Analysis

Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs

Podcast editing

Conducting interviews


The New School for Social Research, New York, NY

MA, Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism

August 2018 - May 2020 

Writing and editing cultural criticism


Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA

BA, Gender Studies

September 2010 - May 2014

Writing-focused major, culminating in the thesis “From Clarence Thomas to Anthony Weiner: Gender Identity in United States Sex Scandals”.

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